Tips for Hormonal Acne

About 95% of people aged 11-30 years are affected by acne at some point in their lives, yet when you are the one suffering with it, it can feel very isolating.

Hormonal acne is actually not a medical term but it is a helpful phrase for describing many people’s experience of acne. As a label, it is used to describe acne that seems to be triggered by a change in hormones or a condition that affects the hormones.

What is hormonal acne?

Acne is caused by an overproduction of sebum, which clogs the pores and leads to acne. The sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, are sensitive to certain hormones, and can be triggered into overproduction by a change in levels of testosterone, oestrogen, progesterone and cortisol.

As a result, hormonal acne affects a multitude of people, from pubescent teenagers, to pregnant women, menopausal women and people under a lot of stress.

So, how can it be treated?

Hormonal acne is frustrating, as one day it feels like your skin is under control, and the next a breakout comes from seemingly nowhere, not to mention the painful pimples. If you have moderate to severe acne, or over-the-counter products aren’t working, we recommend consulting a GP, as you may need more intensive treatment. Whether your acne is mild or severe, we recommend following our tips to treat your skin kindly, and hopefully improve acne symptoms.

  • Cleanse gently. When your skin is oily, it’s tempting to scrub and over-exfoliate, but this can exacerbate the issue by drying out the skin and causing it to overproduce oil in compensation.
  • Use gentle products. Harsh chemicals and fragrances can also strip the skin of vital oil, causing overproduction and more spots! Antiac Face Wash contains unique and clinically proven ingredients Skinwell DFA and ZPA plus and reduces symptoms associated with acne, like spots, blemishes and blackheads
  • Use non-comedogenic makeup products and make sure to completely
    remove makeup before bed, to avoid blocking the pores
  • Don’t be tempted to squeeze! Instead, apply Antiac Activ Gel Serum, for a concentrated solution of clinically proven ingredients and other natural ingredients known to support acne-prone skin make this product incredibly effective to deal with reducing the redness and size of any unevenness in as little as 4 hours.
  • Destress, and get some sleep! Both stress and a lack of sleep can spike cortisol, prompting the sebaceous glands into overproduction, resulting in acne.

As with any visible skin condition, hormonal acne can be tough to deal with. Always remember you are beautiful the way you are and your skin doesn’t define you!